
Technical Support at WIN Enteprises Spans Consultation, Product Inception, Total Product Life Cycle Management and Beyond to Your New Product Generations

WIN offers a wide range of reference designs that can be optimized to provide an economical, purpose-built design. Arriving at the optimum solution to meet your needs begins with your account manager. The account manager is a consultant/facilitator who can coordinate WIN engineering resources to determine your best-fit solution. Some marketing requirements may mean streamlining a product to reduce cost or adding features to further differentiate a solution. We also welcome fully custom design projects and enjoy a reputation of getting these done right the first time.

WIN Engineering is extremely conscientious in providing product recommendations. This includes the initial short list of recommended solutions, pricing, timing, and any choices for variants or additional features that help meet your marketing goals. Few of our competitors provide the same level of support. Conscientious sales and engineering support doesn't end there. Support continues through the sample evaluation, modification, initial quantity ordering, full production, testing and direct customer fulfillment.

WIN provides first-tier support to all our customers, which is a significant differentiation in the embedded industry.


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